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Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership

Servant leadership may seem like a contradicting term, but it is becoming a very popular tool in many businesses. Servant leadership is a philosophy that involves focusing on the success of others (i.e., your employees), and in turn, building better professional relationships that can benefit both manager and employee.  Servant leadership shows that managers can be great leaders while boosting their employee’s confidence and furthering their success at the same time.

With our “Servant Leadership” workshop, your participants will discover the specifics of how servant leadership works and how it can benefit leaders and employees! 


Workshop Objectives:

  • Define servant leadership
  • Know the characteristics of servant leadership
  • Recognize the barriers of servant leadership
  • Learn to be a mentor and a motivator
  • Practice self-reflection

Module One: Getting Started

Module Two: What is Servant Leadership? 

Module Three: Leadership Practices

Module Four: Share the Power

Module Five: Characteristics of a Servant Leader

Module Six: Barriers to Servant Leadership

Module Seven: Building a Team Community

Module Eight: Be a Motivator

Module Nine: Be a Mentor

Module Ten: Training Future Leaders

Module Eleven: Self-Reflection

Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

₦ 27,000