Trust Building and Resilience Development
Welcome to the Trust Building and Resilience Development workshop. Creating relationships that are built on trust, and having the tools to be resilient are crucial in creating a workplace that is safe and a solid place for all to work.
This workshop will introduce you to your company’s responsibility with regard to promoting honesty, as well as how to deal with the inevitable changes that come along with building a stronger business.
Workshop Objectives:
- Gain the trust of employees by empowering them.
- Promote transparent communication.
- Keep the promises you make.
- Identify different personality types and how to work with them.
- Respect all those you work with.
- Keep stress at bay.
- Overcome adversities.
- Accept and manage change.
- Stay motivated
Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Empower Staff
Module Three: Transparent Communication
Module Four: Keep Promises
Module Five: Respect
Module Six: Develop Positive Relationships
Module Seven: Personality Types
Module Eight: Change: Acceptance and Management
Module Nine: Overcoming Adversities
Module Ten: Stress Management
Module Eleven: Stay Motivated
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up