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With the steady increase in electricity tariff and cost of fuel, it becomes imperative to reduce your energy consumption hereby saving you thousands of naira in electricity bills which can be put to good use with other things.

We can tremendously reduce our electricity bill by having an energy-efficient household this means reducing your energy consumption by using the efficient appliance and energy-savings strategies. An example is to swap out incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents (CFs) or LEDs and boosting insulation levels in your home.

Energy efficiency is always the most affordable and environmentally sound place to start when approaching renewable energy. Experts estimate that for every naira you spend on efficiency improvements, you can save N3 on the long run.


In 2009 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory identified seven major household energy uses which are;

1 Space Heating 29
2 Space Cooling 17
3 Water Heating 14
4 Appliances 13
5 Lighting 12
6 Other (stoves, ovens, microwaves, coffee makers, dehumidifiers) 11
7 Electronics (computers, monitors, DVD players, TVs) 4



  • Energy conservation works together with efficiency, changing your energy-use behaviors (for example, turning off the lights when you leave a room, or adjusting the temperature of the air condition at night).
  • Since space heating and cooling take such big bites out of the energy pie and in turn your energy bill, Energy watching recommends improvement in your home’s insulation and reducing air infiltration can be a smart first strategy.
  • Sealing draft-prone areas
  • the points at which dissimilar building materials converge or the building envelope is penetrated
  • reduces uncontrolled air infiltration.

Combine this with increased insulation, and upgraded window and doors, and you can reduce the amount of heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning needed to sustain a comfortable household temperature throughout the year. Passive strategies, such as solar retrofits, movable shading devices, and/or strategically placed landscaping, can also provide energy-saving benefits when it comes to heating and cooling your home.

  • Some strides have been made in more efficient water heating, including better-insulated tank-style heaters (both gas and electric) and the much newer “hybrid” water heaters that feature heat-pump technology. For retrofit situations, consider adding extra insulation to your pipes and tanks to reduce energy losses. Solar hot water systems can also drastically improve a home’s water-heating efficiency, cutting your water-heating bills by 40% to 80%.
  • Upgrading to energy-efficient appliances and electronics can greatly improve your household’s energy efficiency. From LED lamps to horizontal-axis washing machines, many gains have been made in reducing energy use. Before you start shopping, surf the Energy Star website to find the most efficient appliances that will suit your needs. Most especially your appliances you run longer like your TVs, refrigerator etc.
  • Higher-efficiency lighting—mostly in the form of LED lamps—has begun to enter the mainstream, with quality bulbs readily available. Compared to their incandescent counterparts, LED lamps use one-tenth of the energy and last up to 40 times as long. They contain none of the hazardous mercury present in compact fluorescent (CF) bulbs but are more expensive than CFs.
  • you can also identify the energy-wasters such as phantom loads in your home. Unfortunately, many household electronics even when “off” constantly draw energy. Unplugging them, putting them on plug strips that can be switched off, or using dedicated switches can defeat these phantom loads and provide additional energy savings

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